Perception is everything; I found it interesting when I called someone jokingly "crazy" when we were talking about someone who was acting strangely and my friend looked affronted and responded with the phrase "perception is everything". This got me thinking about perception and how it makes us perceive things. I might sound unusual in my actions but I have done research and come up with the following conclusion Perception is how we see the what is happening around us. It is the image we have of everything around us. Suppose you are sitting in a crowded bus, and you look around you, you observe the passengers and from their attitudes, appearance, and mannerisms, you contemplate information to form an opinion about them. The opinions you ascertain might be far from the truth and in most cases are, but unless and until you know them personally you cannot know what "is" the truth or what they "really" are like. With the information you learn from the people around you, you unconsciously filter it and approve or disapprove of it, depending on your morals and individual beliefs of what society dictates what you are to believe. At times I feel like, or I sense, that I am being judged simply because I fit into previously held preconceived notions of some people. People have the tendency to stereotype, and they do this too involuntarily because of previous experiences or because of what the society wants them to believe.