THAt ANimaion was complete bullshit@! do u see the rating it has 4. something, for that P.O.S because it got front page!? And i am assuming so just because it had brawl in it. God damn what is wrong with u people, just because there is a product that u like in an animation doesn't mean u should give a fairly poorly animated one any praise. there are actually more original animations that didn't make front page that are better than this P.O.S believe it or not!!!! maybe you should watch those instead of just going to the front page and voting on the ones already there. Just cause they are on the front page doesn't mean that they are necessarily the best. Remember new grounds admins just pick the ones they like and stick them up there, and people who visit new grounds usually only watch and vote for the animations on the front page. My point is appreciate original and well animated projects and not some shitty animation that you lworship just because it has some video game that you acknowledge as being good in it. If thats not the reason that you voted 5 for that disappointing disgrace for an animation, tell me what it your so called "reason" and maybe i will change my mind to your stance on the subject> if its a valid point...., I have yet to hear 1 good reason from an objective standpoint.... Let me know what u think!>!>!BRAWL IS HERE SHITTY ANIMATION OR MASTERPIECE (Def shitty animation to my knowledge)
I hate it too!
F3ARL3SS23 (Updated )
Woot thats 1 spread the word!!!